How to Email CV and Cover letter as fresh graduate

 How to Email CV and Cover letter as  fresh graduate

This article is for fresh graduates or first-time job seeker with little or no experience on how to apply for a job online.

Gone are those days when organisations demand that you should submit your application letter at any of their branch or head offices. Most of the reputable organisation now always give out an email address where all the applicants for that position advertised will submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV) for review.

Before we start, lets me open your mind to what Curriculum Vitae it’s all about ad its contents.

What is CV (Curriculum Vitae)?

Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a well-detailed document that contains a highlight of your professional and academic history.  A well-structured CV contains the following

1. Personal details
2. Experience
3. Achievements and awards
4. Scholarships or grants you’ve earned
5. Coursework
6. Research projects
7. Publications of your work

Note: Personal Data includes your state of origin, date of birth, nationality, religion etc.

Whenever an organisation demands you should email your CV to them, they don’t actually mean you should attach your CV and send to them just like that.  It’s a means to know if you the applicant can write a mail presenting what you are sending and why you are sending mail. It’s also a measure to know if you the applicant can give a well-constructed subject line that will get your message opened and readable by the recipient.

So, your inability to Email your CV properly can hinder you from getting your dream job that was advertised and it’s also the reason why most job seekers don’t get feedback after mailing their CV to an organisation.

Today, I am going to educate you on how to properly email your CV and things that you should add on the email so as to make your CV readable by the recipient.

Steps to email a CV

Sending of CV through Email is very simple and easy. All you need is a working email address and internet facility. A CV can be mail using a phone, tablet, desktop and Laptop but we advise that you should always make use of laptop or desktop to mail your CV. The reason is that the laptop can adapt to phone view but the phone can’t adapt to laptop view. Mailing your CV using desktop or laptop makes your work be in an arranged format and place you at the safe side because you don’t have the knowledge of the device the recipient would view your CV with. However, to mail your CV follow below instruction.

Adhere to employer instruction

It’s always advisable to always pay attention to instruction when carrying out a task. Try and find out if the employer demands CV only or with cover letter. What is important is to follow the instruction that was given by the employer and send exactly what they demand in the right format. If not, your mail might end up in a spam or trash folder.

Save your CV

The first thing to do when sending a CV to an organisation is to save it either in PDF format or Word format. Please avoid typing your CV directly at the mailbox or screenshotting it and send it as an attached image.

A PDF file retains the format of your CV, so the recipient will see them as you wrote them when they open the file(s) you send.

Include subject line to the email message

The subject line is one of the most important aspects of mailing a CV. It tells the employer the name of the sender and the position you are applying for. Without a proper subject, the employer might not even open or read your mail.

Always remember to add a subject line to the email message before you start writing it. That way, you won't forget to include it afterwards.

Here's what to write:

Subject: Your Name - Job Title

Compose short Email Message to Send with Your CV

After you might have saved your CV, the next step is to write a short mail to send the CV with. First, log in to your mail and click at new mail or compose and add your subject. It is important to add a brief mail to narrate that you have attached your CV and also state to the employer that you can be contacted to provide additional information if needed.

Attach your CV to the Email message

Once your email message is ready to send, the next step is to attach a CV to your message.
Click on Insert, Attach File, and click to select the file you want to add to your email message, and finally click on Insert to attach the document to your email message.

When you are done inserting the file, it’s important to review your mail and make sure everything is in other before you send.

Before you click Send, Try sending the message to yourself to be sure all the attachments come through, and your email message is perfect.

Send a copy of the message to yourself, as well as to the organisation, so you have a copy for your records. Add yourself as a Bcc (blind carbon copy) by clicking Bcc and adding your email address.

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